Aug 19

Inspirational story | Interview with Sneh Gupta

Interview with Sneh Gupta
Sneh Gupta did the Video Creation for Educators programme earlier this year and plans to use video for a range of purposes, not least to support her teaching at SKSN, a charity boarding school for the physically challenged in Rajasthan, India. This is SUCH a great organisation, such a feel-good success story and Sneh is a person I really admire. She's had opportunities and challenges in her life and she's met them all with determination and hard work. I hope it'll give you some inspiration and a smile.
Jo Gakonga
Write your awesome label here.
Video creation for educators testimonial

..and see what Sneh says about the Video Creation for Educators (VoiCE) programme.

Do you have an ELT story that you'd like to share? 

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