Thinking about CELTA?
On a CELTA course?
On a CELTA course?
Resources to help you apply, prepare for and pass CELTA- and achieve your best potential on the course!
What do CELTA trainees find most stressful? It's not a secret.....
They don't know the terminology of English grammar
(or what's tricky for learners)
They have problems with planning lessons
They can't write useful concept check questions
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It's also not a coincidence that these are areas that are important in the CELTA assessment criteria
what tutors look for to evidence 'Above Standard' grades.
Write your awesome label here.
ELT-Training will help you:
...and pass CELTA with flying colours!
Here's the deal!
Free stuff
Invaluable for all CELTA, TESOL & TEFL trainees and novice language teachers.
Applying for CELTA
CELTA Toolkit
CELTA Assignment Library
Online CELTA Resources
ELT-Training's signature offer and most popular course - recommended by CELTA centres worldwide.
Grammar for Language Teachers
A comprehensive grammar course for CELTA, TESOL and TEFL trainees and all English language teachers
Covers parts of speech, verb tenses AND the tricks to teaching them
Over 7 hours of video tutorials (in bite-size chunks!
Essential for CELTA - ask any trainee!
Try the free introduction online. See if you like it - no obligation to buy
£149 bundle / £235
Our best four courses for CELTA plus a FREE bonus - save £86 on normal price for all courses.
Grammar for Language Teachers
CELTA Lesson Planning Made Easy
Language Analysis Made Easy
Concept Checking Made Easy
or prefer to buy courses separately?
Why do I need to prepare for CELTA?
CELTA is a slog - there are no two ways about it. It's a brilliant course and one of the best you are ever likely to do...
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Write your awesome label here.
How can ELT-Training help?
What do I need to know for CELTA?
Let's start with grammar knowledge
Try this little test. Can you give an example of:
- an irregular past participle
- an indefinite article
- the past perfect passive
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.
What else is useful for CELTA?
Lesson Planning
Write your awesome label here.
Language Analysis and Concept Checking
And last but not least... your CELTA secret weapon!
The Complete CELTA Package covers grammar AND all of these areas - it's everything you need and great to refer to before, during and after CELTA.

Why use ELT-Training?
There are lots of books and resources out there - what's special about ELT-Training? To answer that, you only have to look to the site's reputation.
Thousands of satisfied CELTA trainees recommend the site, as do CELTA trainers in centres all over the world. It's the 'tried and tested' CELTA prep site!
Thousands of satisfied CELTA trainees recommend the site, as do CELTA trainers in centres all over the world. It's the 'tried and tested' CELTA prep site!
Why Jo Gakonga?
Without wanting to blow my own trumpet, I'm a safe pair of hands. I've been a teacher for over 30 years and a CELTA tutor for over 20 years, so I KNOW the pitfalls and can help YOU avoid them.
Don't take our word for it....