Support from ELT-Training

Find a CELTA Centre

How do I find the right CELTA Centre for me?

There are over 300 centres worldwide that are officially registered by Cambridge to offer CELTA and other teacher training courses such as TKT and Delta. All of these are carefully vetted by Cambridge to maintain their standards and every single CELTA course has an external assessor who visits to monitor this. You can find all of these centres on the Cambridge Celta Centre Finder, where they are listed by country and qualification.

In the past, when you had to attend face to face, this was useful and all that you probably needed, but the fully online CELTA means that you have much more choice about where you do the course and so finding a centre is more challenging. On this page, you will find a list of links to some of the centres which are currently offering CELTA fully online, arranged by time zone (you don't want to be doing teaching practice in the middle of the night!) I hope that it's helpful.

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