Jan 26

Intensive Listening Activity

receptive skills
What were the last five words you heard?
Listening is a tricky skill and as well as getting the general idea, sometimes, very intensive listening is useful. Here's a quick, re-usable, no prep idea that you can use with any level from Paul Seligson. Try it out on a regular basis and see how your learners learn to love audio recordings!
Video transcript

Here’s an idea for intensive listening that’s easy to integrate into any lesson. Thanks to Paul Seligson for this! When you’re doing a listening in class, stop the recording at a random place. Ask them what were the last five words they heard. Get them to check with a partner and play it again. They’ll probably miss those weak forms- articles, prepositions, pronouns, auxiliaries. It’s  a great way to draw attention to these and to make sure they really focus during audio recordings. Try it out and let me know how you get on.  

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