Newsletter 2021#2

Newsletter 2021 #2
Good morning

I hope that you’re bearing up to the restrictions wherever you are (it’s pretty tight where I am and I’m feeling a bit hemmed in, to be honest). Still, I’ve been busy and have got some great things to share with you. What have I got on offer today? Some exciting news about my site, a sneak preview of my latest video and a free journal for you... Want to know more? Read on....

New look website!
Today's newsletter is a bit of a special one - at least I'm very excited about it. My partner has been working really hard over the past couple of months, re-vamping my website and it's now up and looking shiny and gorgeous! New pictures, new colours, new layout -same great (I hope you agree!) content. Pop on over and have a look and if you find any glitches, I’d be really happy to know about them- consider yourself an official (and appreciated) beta-tester!

Sneak Preview
I've been making a series of videos on FAQs for English language teaching and this week's video is the latest in this series. I often get asked by people whether CELTA is only a qualification for people whose first language is English. Of course, the answer to this is 'no' - but this video will give you a bit more information. Whatever your first language is, you should definitely watch this recording of Silvana Richardson's 2016 IATEFL Plenary on the subject of 'native' and non-native' speaker English teachers. It's very inspiring! There are also some interesting and useful resources related to tackling ‘native speakerism’ at TEFL Equity Advocates.

Website of the week
Finally, a bit of a plug for something from my workplace, Warwick University. This week is also special because it marks the publication of the 25th edition of the English Language Teacher Education and Development Journal. This is a free journal produced by my department (Applied Linguistics) and is a fantastic resource to know about. The link is here and you can access this latest edition and also back-issues. There aren't many journals of this quality that are open source and freely available, so go on over and have a look. Challenge yourself to read one article and let me know what you think!

I hope that some of the above is helpful and do let me know what you think of the new look on my site. See you next week,

Jo Gakonga

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