Newsletter 2022#05

Newsletter 2022 #05

Good morning

It's a Big Week for me this week. I'm getting super excited because I'm moving half way around the world on Tuesday (Sydney here I come!). Don’t worry - I'll still be sending you a little weekly missive - it just might come into your inbox upside down...
OK, what have I got for you today?


Something old

Someone emailed me last week to say that they always keep these emails to refer back to. This really pleased me, but it occurred to me to say that all of the newsletter archive is available on the blog - just go here and search for 'newsletter'.  Why don’t you go there now, look for one of the older letters and choose your own 'something old' this week. If you think that's a cop-out, remember that I'm moving to a new country on Tuesday - lots to do!!!


Something new

Just to show you that I haven't been completely slacking this week, though, I do have something new for you. I made a series of videos on classroom management way back in 2015 and looking back on them now, they look a bit tired, so I've decided to revamp them. This is the first - on how to give good instructions (or how not to give bad ones!) in class. It'll be especially useful if you're a trainee or novice teacher (or a teacher trainer).  I should also mention that I've been getting really inspired by working with the participants on my Video Creation for Educators course. One of them deserves credit for a technique I've used this week. As a group, we've called it the Nathan Cook Pause and I've used several times, so see if you spot it and tell me if you like it.


Something borrowed

And now for something completely different. Do you listen to podcasts? The world seems to be divided into people who do and people who don't, but even if you're in the latter category, I might be able to change your mind. Think of all those times when you are doing something that means you can listen to something interesting as well. Driving, commuting on the train, washing up, cooking, out for a walk. Why not use those times for a bit of professional development in an entertaining kind of way? The first EFL podcast that I came across was TEFLology and I'd highly recommend it. The three presenters are great fun to listen to and they've interviewed a real range of ELT stars. Another one I really like (but very different) is Ola Kowalska's podcast -How to stand out in ELT - she has lots of great ideas for developing your ELT business. Finally, I've just been interviewed by Erin O'Byrne on her Everything EFL podcast and I'd recommend that too (not only for my interview, obviously - that's not up yet - but for all the other great content!)

Have a listen (even if you're a non-podcast person) and let me know what you think.


Have a great week and I'll see you next Sunday



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