Newsletter 2022#06

Newsletter 2022 #06

G'day from Down Under!

Thanks to all those of you who wished me safe travels last week - I'm now here in Sydney, the sun is shining, the sea is warm. Lovely… or it should be.  Unfortunately, my partner has come down with Covid (argh!) so I'm in self isolation with him until next Friday now and can't really enjoy it… Still,  that means plenty of time for video making….


Something old

My 'something old' this week isn't actually very old, but I hope you'll forgive me. In November, I launched my Video Creation for Educators (VoiCE) group programme. We're now 6 weeks into the 8 week course and it's brilliant. The atmosphere is dynamic and motivating and the 12 participants are doing amazing things. If you'd like to see a couple of examples showcasing what they’ve learnt, here’s a testimonial from Ste Sharpe and a comparison of VoiCE and CELTA from Iain Shirlaw who are both busy planning the ways that video will be part of their ongoing careers.

Online education has become so normalised in the past two years and this is a great time to learn to use video to promote your teaching or monetise online courses. The freedom I have comes directly from making video -it's honestly changed my life and it has the potential to do the same for you.  I'm running the course again in April and if you're thinking that this sounds interesting, there's more information about the course here and you can sign up here for a one to one chat with me about it (no obligation - no hard sell - just a chat). The last course filled up within a week so don’t delay- click that link now!


Something new

Moving on, I really like it when people contact me about teaching issues and a few weeks ago I had a message from someone who asked for some tips on using roleplay in a one to one situation with Business English learners. I've put together some thoughts on it here and although this sounds super-specific, I think that these approaches are probably more widely applicable with other kinds of one to one teaching online. See what you think and if you're teaching online  and looking for some new activities, you might also like 'Inspirational Ideas for Teaching Online'. It does what it says on the tin….


Something borrowed

Finally, another link for you for some great developmental talks. I've mentioned other publishing house webinars before, but I came across some from National Geographic Learning recently and they seem to have a great range on teaching Very Young Learners, Young Learners, Teens and CLIL, so if any of these are relevant to you, have a look here. You can access the archive as well as sign up for live webinars to come. Hope you find something there that's useful.


Right, that's it from me for today - here's hoping that I don't catch the lurgy from my partner and I'll see you next Sunday,




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