Newsletter 2021#11

Newsletter 2021 #11
Good morning

Another busy week and an exciting one because I'm launching a new course on the site - but more about that a bit later. This week, I'm going to focus on Continuing Professional Development and I've only got two things for you, but they're both quite meaty, so I hope that'll be enough for your Sunday morning coffee! I've also got a request for you and an offer.....Here we go...

Ideas and Resources for Busy Teachers
As I'm trawling through the internet, I often come across sites or blogs or tools that I think are useful. I used to bookmark them for myself, and I used Scoop It! for a while, but then I thought that a better idea would be to put them all in one place on ELT-Training, so that's what I did. The result is Ideas and Resources for Busy Teachers and it pretty much does what it says on the tin. It's free, and you can dip into it as you like. There are sections with useful blogs, lesson materials, webinars, tools, links to research and MOOCs. More than enough to kickstart your CPD - why not try something new for spring!

Here is my request for you (I told you I had a request and an offer). These kinds of resources are always best if they're a community effort. Sites and tools come and go and it's impossible for one person (me!) to see everything.... So, if you have any sites or tools or links that you think we should all know about, please send them to me and I'll include them on this resource. Thanks.

OK... onward....This is the exciting part (at least for me). This week, I'm launching a brand new course that I've been toying with for a while and it's something a bit different from my usual offering.

Coaching for the Classroom
I often get emails from people who like my work and want to work with me more closely. Well, now you can. Let me tell you about it...

I think that being observed in the classroom and getting feedback is probably one of the best things you can do to develop your practice as a teacher, but I've been thinking that it’s usually a fairly high-stakes process. Maybe it’s part of a course that you’re assessed on, or it’s your line manager and you need to show your best.

So, how about if you had someone to help you, act as a critical friend and support your development without the pressure? If you think this is a good idea, then Coaching for the Classroom might be for you. It’ll run over about a month or so, but should only involve an hour a week of your time (this is very dependent on you, and you can go faster than this if you want to) and it’ll be an in-depth investigation into your teaching practice. This is how it will work:

  1. At the beginning we’ll meet online and discuss your context and your needs
  2. Then you’ll spend around five weeks on a structured programme of recording your lessons and reflecting on them in different ways. If you want to do this faster, that’s fine – if you need to take a bit longer, no problem, either- I’ll be there to support you along the way.
  3. At the end of this, we’ll meet again online to focus on an area for your development. We’ll discuss your lesson plan and consider changes you’d like to make.
  4. Next you’ll record a lesson and send an extract you choose for me to observe.
  5. Finally we’ll meet for a third time to discuss your lesson and future goals. You’ll also get my written feedback and a certificate that you can include in your teaching portfolio - this pro-active approach to your development will impress future employers and help to keep you motivated and stimulated.

It doesn’t matter if you are a total novice to the classroom, or a more experienced teacher looking to develop further, this course should still prove invaluable.

Sound good? It's a bit more money than my other courses, because it's bespoke and one-to-one. It'll usually be £150- but I'm offering it exclusively to you as a newsletter subscriber, for the next two weeks only, at the discounted price of £95. If you'd like to take this up, you can use this code at checkout: COACH60 (this is case sensitive and it's only valid until April 4th).

So, that's about it from me for this week. I'll be back next Sunday with a special edition on listening. Look forward to seeing you then.


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